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HFFS - What is it and How Does it Benefit You?

Are you searching for new ways package your favorite snacks and foods? Search no further than HFFS. Short HFFS further for "horizontal form-fill-seal," is a Acepack packaging method that provides a variety of benefits. Let's explore whys, how it works, and exactly why you should consider using it.

What is HFFS?

HFFS is a packaging method that creates a package by developing it horizontally, filling it with your desired Acepack product, and then sealing it shut. This sort of packaging is widely used for foods like poker chips, cookies, and candy, but can be utilized for number of hffs pouch packing machine products. HFFS machines use continuous rolls of film to produce packages, then filled by an item dosing system.

Why choose Acepack Hffs?

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